How To Take Shilajit Properly: An Easy-to-Follow Guide

Essencraft - How to take Shilajit

If you love your fruits and veggies, you’re on the right track toward optimal health and well-being. In fact, research associates plant-based eating with increased longevity and a lower risk of chronic diseases

While Shilajit isn’t a plant, it’s formed from decomposed plant matter—making it an excellent all-natural supplement. Shilajit has played a role in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. 

So, how can you take Shilajit properly according to Ayurvedic methods? Keep reading to find out!


Ayurvedic Principles and Shilajit

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine based on the principle of balance within the body. It recognizes three fundamental energies (or doshas): 

  1. Vata (air and space): Vata governs movement and communication in the body, influencing functions like circulation, respiration, and nervous system activity.
  2. Pitta (fire and water): This dosha oversees digestion and transformation processes in the body, including metabolism and temperature regulation.
  3. Kapha (earth and water): Kapha provides structure and stability to the body and controls functions like immune system strength, lubrication, and physical form.

Each person has a unique combination of these doshas, and maintaining the balance of them is essential for overall health. So, where does Shilajit come into play? 

Shilajit can help balance all three doshas. In Ayurveda medicine, Shilajit is considered the greatest Rasayana—meaning it supports life’s essence.

For instance, Shilajit’s grounding properties help stabilize Vata’s airy nature—calming anxiety, improving sleep, and supporting proper nervous system function.

The cooling essence of Shilajit balances Pitta’s fiery tendencies—reducing inflammation, supporting healthy metabolism, and promoting emotional equilibrium.

Lastly, Shilajit’s revitalizing and detoxifying effects counteract Kapha’s tendency towards stagnation—boosting energy, improving circulation, and supporting weight management.

Shilajit’s fluvic acid contents also improve the body’s ability to absorb nutrients from the food we eat. This makes it a valuable addition to many Ayurvedic protocols, as well as contributes to improved overall well-being.


How to Take Shilajit

The primary forms of Shilajit include resin, powder, and capsules or tablets. But how should you take each one? Here’s a step-by-step guide:


Resin is ideal for those seeking the most authentic Shilajit experience and maximum bioavailability. Its sticky texture can make dosing tricky; however, it offers the highest concentration of beneficial compounds. Many people also appreciate its earthy taste and the preparation ritual.

For proper use:

  • Take a pea-sized amount of the resin (about 300-500mg).
  • Add it to warm water, milk, or herbal tea. 
  • Stir until dissolved, and enjoy!


Shilajit powder gives way to more precise dosing. While it may be slightly less potent than resin, it’s easier to handle and store. 

Here’s how to best use Shilajit in powder form:

  • Measure out the proper amount of powder (300-500 mg) as per the directions on the container.
  • Add the powder to water, juice, or a smoothie. 
  • You can also opt to sprinkle it onto food, such as mixing it into a sauce. However, it’s worth noting that Shilajit works best on an empty stomach.

Capsules & Tablets

Capsules and tablets provide the easiest method of consumption. Most capsules or tablets contain about 250-500mg of Shilajit. They're also ideal for people on the go or those who dislike Shilajit's taste. 

However, it’s important to do thorough research before buying any Shilajit product. This is because quality and purity can vary significantly. Here at Essencraft, all of our Shilajit products undergo rigorous testing to ensure they are contaminant-free and as pure as they get—giving way to an authentic and quality supplement every time.


Ayurvedic Dosage Recommendations

The average adult can typically start with 300-500mg per day, which is about a pea-sized amount of resin or one standard capsule. Some Ayurvedic practitioners recommend taking Shilajit twice daily, dividing this dose between morning and evening.

However, you may also consider starting with a smaller dose and gradually increasing over time. In fact, Ayurvedic medicine stresses “less is more.” This can give your body time to adapt, minimize potential side effects, and ensure sustainable benefits.

For those new to Shilajit, begin with about 100mg daily for the first week, then slowly increase to the standard dose over two to three weeks.

Dosage may also vary based on specific health goals:

  • For energy and vitality, take 300-500mg daily, preferably in the morning.
  • For improved cognitive function, take 250-500mg twice daily, morning and afternoon.
  • For better detoxification, consume up to 1000mg daily, split into two doses, alongside plenty of water.


Best Practices for Taking Shilajit (Ayurvedic Method)

Morning is generally considered the best time to take Shilajit. Taking it on an empty stomach (or 30 minutes before a meal) can help better absorb and utilize its nutrients and benefits. This can also be beneficial for detoxification and increased energy levels.

If your goal is to promote relaxation and sleep, the evening is optimal. Some also enjoy taking Shilajit twice daily—once in the morning and once in the evening.

You may also opt to increase Shilajit’s absorption by mixing it with:

  • Warm milk: Balances all doshas and improves nutrient delivery.
  • Ghee: Improves absorption.
  • Raw honey: Boosts energy and supports digestion.

If you have a sensitive stomach, mixing Shilajit with these liquids and foods may be particularly beneficial. Alternatively, you could consume it alongside a meal, yet it may be less effective.


Tips for Maximizing Shilajit's Benefits

If you’re curious about maximizing Shilajit’s benefits further, here are some additional tips:

  • Stay consistent: Consuming Shilajit daily over several weeks and months is recommended to obtain its incredible benefits. So, consider sticking to a routine or setting a daily alarm!
  • Practice gentle exercise or yoga daily: Yoga is an essential practice in Ayurvedic medicine. It can offer benefits for both the body and mind, which can set the stage for experiencing Shilajit’s energy-boosting effects.
  • Get enough quality sleep: Sleep is the foundation of good overall health. Put simply, everything works better with a good night’s rest! Aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night.
  • Consider a dosha diet: This involves eating according to the doshas that need rebalancing. However, it may be beneficial to discuss your particular dosha diet with an Ayurvedic practitioner who can offer guidance and help tailor your dosha diet to you and your needs.
  • Engage in regular meditation: Meditation can help rebalance both the body and mind, paving the way toward good health.
  • Stay properly hydrated: Ayurveda medicine recommends starting your day with a glass of warm water to stimulate digestion and cleansing. This helps maximize Shilajit’s effects through improved nutrient absorption and detoxification. 


Real-Life Shilajit Testimonials

Here at Essencraft, we encourage you to follow the Ayurvedic way.

Many of our customers enjoy our 100% natural and pure Shilajit as part of their morning routine, including Kyra, who ditched her morning coffee for Shilajit’s energy-boosting effects:

Essencraft Shilajit Review

Or Aus, who noticed a lift in the morning within the very first week:

Essencraft Shilajit Review


Dive Into Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine With Essencraft

Shilajit plays an essential role in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. If you want to take advantage of these centuries-old practices, adding Shilajit to your morning routine can be a great place to start. 

Want to learn more about Ayurvedic medicine or discover new health and wellness tips? Sign up for our newsletter, or follow us on Instagram for the latest science-backed health insights, nutritional tips, and updates on our products.



Should I take Shilajit before bed or in the morning?

You can take Shilajit in the evening or morning, or both. This all depends on your intended goal or use when taking Shilajit. For an energy boost, consider taking it in the morning. For relaxation and sleep, consume it in the evening before bed.

What happens when you take Shilajit every day?

When you take Shilajit every day, you begin to notice increased and sustained energy, improved detoxification, better digestion, and more!

How to take Shilajit according to Ayurveda?

If you’re taking Shilajit according to Ayurveda, consider taking it first thing in the morning alongside a warm glass of water and on an empty stomach.

Should Shilajit be taken with food or without food?

Ideally, Shilajit shouldn’t be taken with food for improved benefits. Consider taking it first thing in the morning or 30 minutes before a meal.

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